Federal Standards on the Playground

Federal Standards on the Playground

Are there really playground laws? Yes! While it is important that we follow the law, remember that our children are involved. We should also follow guidelines, recommendations, standards, best practice and COMMON SENSE. When our children are involved we have a privilege and responsibility to do our best to protect them.

You should also consider reviewing ASTM Standards and CPSC Guidelines when reviewing playground planning, design, manufacture, construction, installation and operation. Inspection and maintenance become critical to ensure that your playground operates at the best possible level of safety.

There is not an agency that travels about with a badge and represents themselves as "playground police." There are inspectors and specialists trained, educated and tested by a variety of sources. Consult your playground professional for information on best utilization of the available information.

16 CFR Part 1303 Ban of Lead-Containing Paint and Certain Consumer Products Bearing Lead-Containing Paint

16 CFR 1500 Hazardous Substances Act Regulations, including sections:

1500.48 Technical Requirements for Determining a Sharp Point in Toys and Other articles Intended for Use by Children UNDER 8 Years of Age

1500.49 Technical Requirements for Determining a Sharp Metal or Glass Edge and and Other articles Intended for Use by Children UNDER 8 Years of Age

16 CFR 1501 Method for Indentifying Toys and Other Articles Intended for Use by Children UNDER 3 Years of Age Which Present Choking, Aspiration, Ingestion Hazards because of Small Parts

36 CFR Part1191 Americans with Disabilities Act Disability Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities; Section 15.6 Play Areas (Final Rule)

CPSC Publication 325 Handbook for Public Playground Safety . While this is not a standard or regulation it is an important GUIDELINE.

More information is available from the United States Government Printing Office.

State regulations may also apply to your playground! AR, CA, CT, FL, IL, MI, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OK, OR, RI, TN, TX, UT, VA have references in state documents that may apply to your situation.